Friday 26 September 2014


September 27, 2014

If there is one song that is always sweet to sing, it is the song of victory or triumph. The singer sings with all his/her energy. May I tell you that God wants you to live a life of victory which was why He gave that mandate in Gen 1:28? Don’t get me wrong, you will face trials and temptations and challenges of diverse shapes and sizes, but remember the scripture says rejoice because Jesus has overcome on your behalf. The only issue is that due to lack of knowledge, many of us are going about walking in defeat.

The word of God contains records of the victories you as a believer have in Christ. When you spend time studying the Bible, you will discover the power of God’s Word. In the book of Matthew we read the account of Jesus being tempted by the devil. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the desert where he fasted for forty days and forty nights and he was hungry. He was at his physical and emotional weakest point. That was when the devil came to tempt Him. This goes to tell you that devil will always come to test you during your weakest period.

Rather than argue or debate with the devil, Jesus simply quoted God’s Word because God’s Word is Truth and the devil cannot deny the Truth or overcome it. Three times Jesus replied, “It is written” and then quoted the word of God. In order to walk in total victory, we must embrace the word of God. I tell people that the word on the inside of you would determine the extent to which situations and circumstances in this world will obey you. As a believer, to walk in victory, you must be an addicted student of the word of God. It will help you know your rights and claim them.

Without the word of God on the inside of you, you are an empty vessel.

Load up!

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