Thursday 4 September 2014


August 18, 2014

When cooking with the fire wood stove (bio-stove), the moment you arrange the firewood, put kerosene in the centre of the bio-stove, and lit it up, the fire goes big and bright but after like 5 minutes or less, you have to keep going there to rekindle the fire by rearranging the firewood, else, the fire will get extinguished and then you would have to start afresh and in the course of that, get some spanking by your folks.

In life also, the way to keep shining is to keep rekindling our passion and love for whatever God has given us to do. I wonder why most married men after one or two years of marriage tend to start piping low on their love intensity. Before marriage, you would see the fire of their love visibly burning; phone calls and SMSs almost every minute; exchange of gifts like every day is Christmas; pampering like babies and all, but the moment that word, “You are now pronounced husband and wife,” it seems like the fire starts going down. They now become “familiar” instead of remaining “special.”

Anyone that wants to cook using the bio-stove and finds it hard to always fan the flame to burn better is inviting hunger. God commanded Aaron in Lev 6:13 that, “The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.” How was Aaron supposed to do that? Verse 12b says, “And the priest shall burn wood on it every morning.” Is it easy to keep fetching wood and burning it every morning? No! But the priest had to do it because it was the right thing to do to keep enjoying the presence of God.

Rekindle the fire of your love for God – read His word like you used to, worship Him regularly. Also rekindle the fire of your love for your spouse – call him/her sweet names like you were still dating, respect, and value and treat him/her specially. If you would play your part, God will play His.

Keep shining.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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