Thursday 4 September 2014


August 27, 2014

For every of God’s vision, there is a timing for it. But most times, we find God’s timing “too slow” especially in this fast lane era. We try to work it out by ourselves, which is why many get delayed and frustrated. Some even start doubting if truly God has told them to do what they are doing because they are not seeing any reasonable result not knowing that there is a time and season for everything under heaven.

Uncle Moses sensed the call of God upon his life to deliver Israel from slavery, however, he was not patient enough to wait for God’s own timing. When he was forty years old, he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave and he killed him. I am sure Moses was just eager to get the people of Israel out of Egypt like yesterday but that wasn’t God’s plan. The scripture makes it clear that Moses had to wait another forty years before he was commissioned to lead the deliverance process of the Israelites. Maybe if he hadn’t been too hasty, he would not have had to wait extra forty years before fulfilling purpose.

On the other hand, father Abraham knew God had already told him that he would be made the father of many nations despite that he had no child. Heb 6:15 tells us that after father Abraham had patiently waited, he obtained the promise. If he had not waited, maybe he would have still obtained the promise but it could have been delayed. Always have it at the back of your mind that God’s ways are higher, and so, never ever try to work things out according to your own timing. Patiently wait.

But while waiting for the “go ahead” get yourself prepared because there is no greater frustration than for the time of manifestation to come and you are not prepared. Most importantly, you must know God so you can know clearly when He is the One asking you to go ahead.

Keep shining!

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