Thursday 4 September 2014


August 19, 2014

If you buy a Bugatti Veyron and you refuse to start the engine, the car will never move – it will remain an object of visual gratification. I am sure you have heard someone say, “God will do it,” probably you have also said it at one time or the other. I am not saying there are things impossible for God to do, but I am here to tell you that God will do what He is supposed to do, but you also have to do what you are supposed to do.

As a matter of fact, your part triggers God to play His own part. Looking at the story of the widow that said she had nothing but a pot of oil. The prophet told her in 2 Kings 4:3-4 to go borrow a lot of empty vessels and then start pouring from the pot she initially had into the empty vessels. She kept pouring until there was no empty vessel again, then the oil stopped flowing. Friends, had the woman refused to do as the prophet ordered, she would have died a debtor.

In a game of football, everybody has a part to play, if the goalkeeper says the defender would defend well and then decides to jog round the pitch, I am sure he would be asked to jog out of that club. Many of us fast and pray so that God can open the windows of heaven but we refuse to play our part of the game. Mal 3:10 tells us that when we play our part by giving our tithes and offerings, then God would play His part by opening the windows of heaven and pouring down blessings that we do not have room enough to take.

A child plays his part by crying for food when hungry believing the mother will respond and the mother auto-plays her part by feeding him/her. Play your own part – be holy, pray without ceasing, give offerings and pay your tithes, believe God and have faith in Him.

Be wise.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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