Thursday 4 September 2014


August 13, 2014

Many of us have various wishes. Some even have a wish list where they have written down all their wishes, however, there is this universal truth that, “if wishes were horses, beggars would also ride.” Many wish to be great but if greatness was a product if wish, the number of great men on earth today would be far more than the number of destitute we have around.

There is a story of a woman in the book of Matthew 9:20-22 with twelve years hemorrhage. Bible says she had spent all she had trying to get better but she was growing worse. Many people would have taken advantage of her sickness to get rich because as it is on earth, someone else’s calamity might be another’s source of prosperity. However, from the day this woman heard about what Jesus could do, she started wishing in her mind, “if only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.”

Fortunately for her, a day came when Jesus was in her community going to a ruler’s house to go restore his daughter’s life, this woman took a step further by acting her wish. Bible says she touched Jesus’ clothes and the woman was made well from that hour – immediately. That goes to tell us that when we mix our wishes with action, it generates great and faster results than just wishing alone.

I have discovered that the more one wishes without actioning it, the greater the frustration. What are your wishes? Put an action in front of each one of them. You can wish about your dreams and goals all you want, but you won’t ever reach them if you don’t do anything to achieve them. In life, you don’t get what you wish for, you get what you work for. Stop wishing and start doing because dreams don’t just come true, they are made to happen.

Remain lifted!

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