Monday 15 September 2014

LOVE - 2

September 16, 2014

If you know something, you would never find it difficult to prove it anywhere and to anyone or simply put if you have it, you would flaunt it. I am sure no one can come to you to ask for that you give him his car to go to Abuja when you haven’t seen him turn the ignition of a car before. Saying you love someone doesn’t mean you do, you’ve got to prove it. Same way in the kingdom of God, you cannot mouth that you love God, you have to display it – we all must be able to see it.

Let us establish it that love is the foundation of greatness in the kingdom of God and one proof of your love for is OBEDIENCE. You would agree with me that the one you love is the one you listen to. Jesus said in John 14:15 that, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” It was quite easy to know the extent of Jonah’s love for God considering his act of disobedience. If you love God, you will not want to hurt Him. How well you keep God’s commandments is a pointer to the height of your love for God.

Also, you cannot claim you love and not GIVE. Even in a man and woman relationship, no matter how little it is, you must give something, if you don’t, bros, you are sleeping on a motorcycle. Genuine love gives because it has (no matter how little it is). Jesus gave up His life for us ‘cos of love (1 John 3:16). God gave Jesus because He loved the world. Solomon gave a thousand burnt offering because of his love for God. David’s love for God made him give even much more than he budgeted (1 Chron 29:3). Any lover that is not a giver is a liar and robber.

Do you love God? Prove it to Him! Desist from sin, pay your tithes and offerings, help the needy, etc.

Always remember that love OBEYS every commandment and it GIVES.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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