Thursday 4 September 2014


                                               Daily Wisdom Nuggets – August 7, 2014

I am sure you have heard the saying that the best time for light to shine is in darkness. Without darkness, light becomes an object of art. If there was one general need of all humans – it is light. The young, old, poor, rich, white, black, educated and uneducated all need light to do one thing or the other. To stress the importance of light, that was the first thing that God created.

As believers, if there was one thing we ought to be to our communities, organizations and countries, we have to be the light they need. There are countless numbers of issues that are confronting the human race, but unfortunately, believers are always found at the forefront championing the complaint rally against the government, fellow humans in authorities and sometimes even against God.

Matt 5:14a says, “You are the light of this world.” And no man puts light out when there is total darkness except a thief that is trying to steal things. Verse 16 of that chapter says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” The reason why evil keeps spreading faster than normal is because good people have gone into hiding and believe you me, this is a world where there has to be activities; good or bad.

We should be the one role-modelling “Do the right thing” cultures; stop driving through one way no matter how urgent it is; stop littering the environment with junks; stop abusing the police officer; stop taking and giving bribes and you will see changes happening gradually. We are to be the solution that the nation needs. We should be the one coming up with ideas and strategies for community development not just waiting on the government to do something. Be the unpaid think tank team in your community, state, country and see how you will be celebrated and your God will be glorified.

The world is in darkness - be the light!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 


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