Thursday 4 September 2014


August 31, 2014

There is a joke about a road user driving without fastening his seat belt. A traffic officer stopped him and said, “Do you know that according to the 1999 constitution that driving without fastening your seat belt is punishable under the law with an option of one thousand Dollar fine or six months jail term?” The smart road user smiled and looked at the officer, “Do you know that the constitution was amended in 2003 and it now says if your car has airbag, you are fine?” The confused officer looked at him and said, “Oh! Really, thanks for informing me, you can go.”

Many are suffering because they lack information. The man that is not informed will be deformed. God said, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” As believers, we have access to information and revelation that the world doesn’t have which is the edge we have over them, however many of us refuse to utilize this privilege and as such, we have become objects of molestation in the hands of the devil. Let me remind you that the devil is always going about seeking for whom to devour, however, when you know better than him, he dares you not.

The only way to know better is to be an addicted student of the Word of God because the entrance of God’s Word gives light. During the first few months of pregnancy, the doctor told my wife it was fibroid. The moment she told me, I laughed and told her immediately, “Baby, the womb was created to carry children and not fibroid, so forget whatever the doctor said, I know better!” I never bothered about it and surprisingly it was the same doctor that saw fibroid that took delivery of the baby.

I know better, therefore I cannot be poor because I know Christ became poor that I might be rich. I also know I cannot die young because He said I shall live to fulfil God’s purpose. Sir/ma, the better you know, the sweeter your life.

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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