Tuesday 9 September 2014


September 9, 2014

There is a story of two donkeys strolling in Jerusalem few days after Jesus had rode into the city on a donkey, when one of them said, “Just yesterday I was passing here carrying Jesus and everyone was singing and I was even stepping on their clothes…..and today, not even one of them recognizes me. The second donkey smiled and looked at him for a while and then responded, “My friend, in this world, you are nothing without Christ.”

I am sure you would agree with me that wherever the President of a nation choses to live in automatically becomes a Presidential Villa. It is not about the house, it is about the person staying in that house. The moment Christ stepped into Peter’s ship, the ship became fruitful and the same person that had toiled all night without catching anything caught so much that his net started tearing apart. It means that with Christ in you, lack and want disappears and you start swimming in overflow.

Christ cannot be in you and at the same time sickness be in you because there is no union between light (Christ) and darkness. Col 1:27c, says, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” In order words, there is neither anything called hopeless case nor anything called shame when you have Christ in you because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

However, you have to play your part by opening the door of your heart to Christ before He can be in you. Rev 3:20 says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Christ is interested in dwelling in anyone (the tired, the depressed, the sinner, the wearied, the grumpy, the frustrated, etc) but we must be the one to say, “Lord, come dwell in me.”

Remember you cannot have Christ in you and be experiencing crisis. Be wise!

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