Thursday 4 September 2014


August 16, 2014

Walking in life is a product of instinct – when a child gets to the age of walking, no one tells him/her to start walking. Running in life is also by instinct, no one needs to tell you to run when you see a wild dog running after people – you just start running. However, flying is by instruction. When flying an airplane from New York to London and there is a button to press before landing, sir/ma, the pilot doesn’t have to like that button before pressing it, he/she MUST as a matter of compulsion and life and death press it else, he would be saying, “heaven, some folks are coming for excursion.”

Even the scripture says, “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land.” Obeying instructions is not always easy but when followed, it leads us to a place of comfort and peace. Friends, God has created you and I to be highfliers in life, however, there are instructions that must be followed so that we won’t crash-land. When the prophet told the woman, go borrow vessels, had she not done exactly as she was instructed, she would also have remained at that low level of complaining and whining.

When God instructed Philip to go towards the eunuch, had he felt that was awkward, he would have missed out on saving a soul that day. The issue with many of us is that we feel we are smarter than God and when instructed by God, we sometimes find it hard, unconventional or rather too good to be true, but the truth is that God’s instructions are meant to eradicate frustration and bring us promotion in all areas of our lives.

Isa 48:18&19 says when you obey instructions of the Lord, you would have peace like a river, you will be fruitful and multiplication will be evident in your life. Prov 13:18 says, “Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.”

Be wise!

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