Wednesday 3 September 2014


So many times in life, we experience some disappointments no matter how much our level of faith is. It may even be something very simple; not getting the promotion you have been promised and you are sure you are due for; not getting that job despite all the green lights; not getting that brother to propose despite raising all your hopes; or could be something very terrible; incurable disease; wrecked marriage; loss of job, etc. one certain thing is that disappointment has in it the power to wreck the faith of the believer.

This is what the devil uses as he now makes the believer dwell on the disappointment instead of forging ahead. I understand that it is quite hard to forge ahead especially when a terrible setback just happened, but let me ask you this frank question, “Can you unscramble eggs?” What is done is done. The only thing is to understand that there is a God that turns disappointments around into a divine appointment for a higher glory and sweeter testimony.

The word of God says, “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.” Stop crying over those disappointments, wipe off your tears because you are getting re-appointed for greater glory. Sir, listen, Joseph’s brothers and friends must have thought an end had come to the glorious life of Joseph following those series of disappointment he encountered, but when the Almighty rose up to his case, people who had looked down and pitied Joseph started looking up to him before eating.

Sir, that you suffered a disappointment doesn’t make you one. Get it right! For every disappointment you have suffered, begin to enjoy divine appointment from henceforth in Jesus Name. Amen!

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