Tuesday 9 September 2014


September 8, 2014

Everyone that God created were created for impact. As we have heard countless number of times that no one is a product of a biological experiment – we are all products of a well thought-out plan of God. Bible says, before God formed us, He knew us. In order words, He already knew what we are coming to planet earth to achieve, which was why He made us the way we are, because that’s the best way we can be in order to fulfil the mission for which we were created for.

It is not a thing of joy for one to just be an addition to the population of a nation, when God said, “Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and dominate it.” When you look at the story of Methuselah in Gen 5:21-27, you would realize he was given birth to and the only record of him that we have is that he begat and begat and lived for 969 years and then died. There is nothing spectacular about his life despite living the longest on earth in human history. He only had his name in the Bible because Noah came through him.

However, when you look at the life of King David, he only lived for seventy years which is like 1/14 of the time of Methuselah but his achievement was super. He fought a bear, killed Goliath, won several battles, sang several hymns, co-authored 150 chapters of a book and so many other things. Jesus lived 3 and a half years of unmatchable impact. Sir/ma, I have come this day to tell you that no matter who you are or where you are, God designed and created you for impact.

You are not here to just work, marry, give birth and die, NO! There is a purpose for which you are here on earth. But without a relationship with your creator, you might find it hard knowing and doing what you were created for.

You shall fulfil purpose!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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