Thursday 4 September 2014


August 22, 2014

Many people hardly sing unto the Lord anymore, we only do that when in church on Sundays and maybe during weekly services (for those who attend). However, throughout the rest of the week, we are always busy singing songs not unto the Lord and believe you me, whatever is not done as unto the Lord is done unto the devil. Ordinarily when a musician sings the praise of a man, he feels so important that he could go take bank loan to spray the musician. How much more, when you praise the One that owns the cattle upon a thousand hills?

Many of us find it hard to sing unto the Lord because we are busy trying to fix one issue or the other whereas in Acts 16, Bible says Paul and Silas were thrown into the innermost part of the prison and their feet cuffed so they wouldn’t be able to move. However, these two people understood that Isa 43:19 says, “Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted his people, AND WILL HAVE MERCY UPON HIS AFFLICTED.”

They were afflicted but the moment they broke forth into singing, Bible says in verse 26 of Acts 16 that there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. Someone said, when it seems prayer is delayed, try praise. Sir/ma, I have discovered that the more you sing unto the Lord, the stronger your faith in Him because the lyrics of the song gets registered in your subconscious and when any challenge arises, that song pops out and you are assured that God has got you covered.

What is that mountain before you, forget about it and just praise God because He is bigger than any mountain you can or cannot see! Singing unto the Lord makes the bell of your faith ring out loud and clear.


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