Thursday 11 September 2014


September 11, 2014

There is a Nigerian adage that says, “It is the sender that should be feared and not the receiver.” Sometimes ago, one of my mentor said, the statement that “talk is cheap,” could be wrong because it depends on who is talking. Talk is not cheap when the likes of Brian Tracy, John C. Maxwell and Fela Durotoye are talking, as a matter of truth, they talk expensively. I could be shunned if I say people shouldn’t go out tomorrow, but if that same statement comes out of the mouth of the President of Nigeria, no one dares go out.

Words have creative forces in them especially when spoken by Someone with Authority. If you look at Gen 1, you would realize that everything created by God were products of the spoken words. There was never a time where God had to jump up or down to make anything. Even when He wanted to make you and I, He only said, “let us make,” and then they made. When a man speaks, it might not move even a leaf, but when it is the word of God, mountains get moved.

The lyrics of a song says, “God said it, I believe it and that settles it.” The word of God is God Himself. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In order words, whatever the word of God is saying, GOD SAID IT and the thing is that the same way rain and snow falls and never goes back to the sky, God’s word that goes forth out of God’s mouth shall not return unto Him void, but it shall accomplish that which He please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto He sent it (Isa 55:10-11).

If you are sure God said (especially written in His word), my brother, don’t lose hope because heaven and earth may pass away but if GOD SAID IT, it will never go undone!

Welcome to your season of manifestation!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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