Thursday 4 September 2014


August 21, 2014

This is a very anxious generation. Almost everyone is worried about one thing or the other. The businessman is worried about sales, the head of the house (the man in most normal cases) is worried about money to feed the family, the church is worried about attendance, mothers are worried that their children might end up moving with wrong people and a lot of other issues making people become excellent and professional “worrywarts.”

However, as popularly said, worry doesn’t fix the issue, it instead blows it up because the worrier ends up having an unresolved issue, high blood pressure and fear. The scripture says in Matt 6:27 that, “which one of you can by worrying add one cubit to his stature?” Verse 31 says, “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘what shall we eat?’ or ‘what shall we drink?’ or ‘what shall we wear?” All you need do is relax because your heavenly Father knows what your needs are already.

Someone is saying, Henrylong, you don’t get it, I am not worried about food or clothing or water, my own issue is bigger than that. Well, let me tell you what God said in 1 John 4:4, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them (name it!), because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” In order words, no matter how big that issue is, you have OVERCOME. All you need do is do away with that unnecessary worry and accept what Jesus did for you by faith. The victory of Christ is your own victory.

I understand it could be very hard to relax when the creditor has threatened court action or when the landlord has given you quit notice or the doctor has said one terrible thing, but you need to understand that Jesus died that you might live, He became poor that you might be rich and by His stripes you are healed! Sir/ma, have worry not, because God is in total control if you would have faith in Him.

Remain blessed!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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