Monday 29 September 2014


September 28, 2014

It could be pretty frustrating when one is investing one’s energy and resources into something and no result seem to be forthcoming. In that kind of situation, morale gets dampened and the energy to continue fades away. You can imagine telling someone who has been writing a particular professional exam for years without no headway to keep writing it, if he/she doesn’t curse you, then it probably means he/she is a true believer. A Yoruba adage says whatever God has put in your frying pan, you’d better continue frying it.

Greatness is mostly not a product of hard work alone, ‘cos if it is, then gravediggers and wheel barrow pushers would be named one of the greatest people on earth. Scripturally, greatness is a product of obedience and obedience is doing what you have been asked to do for as long as you have you been asked to do it. Isa 1:19 says, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” When you look at the story of David, he kept going to the bush every day to fend for his father’s flocks even when it was not convenient. I guess God saw some traits of obedience and perseverance in him, which was why He chose him above his other folks.

Sometimes, some very heavy and challenging challenges would arise, but always remember the word of God concerning you that, “He will be to you a father!” And no father forsakes his child. No one ever said it is going to be easy. Even Jesus had it a bit rough but in spite of all, he kept preaching and healing because he knew his reward was in obeying the ultimate command. Do what the clock does, no matter what is going on, the clock keeps going on. Winston Churchill said, “If you are going through hell, keep going.”

Matt 24:13 says, “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”

Remain lifted!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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