Thursday 4 September 2014


September 2, 2014

We learnt in elementary science that when you focus ray of sunlight through a magnifying lens on a paper for a considerable long time, the paper will be burnt. One very powerful force on earth is the force of focus and one reason why few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most of us dabble through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.

When the apostles were all locked up in the common prison in Acts 5. At a point in time, Bible says an angel freed them, and very early the next morning, they entered into the temple and taught. When the high priest summoned them to his office, he asked them, “Didn’t I command you that you should not teach in the name of Jesus again?” Focused Peter said in verse 29, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” As a result of their focus, the number of disciples were multiplied. Friends, there is nothing that can dissuade a focused man because he is not seeing the now but the tomorrow.

Many believers get discouraged easily when the plan they have put in place is not going as expected. Some even change plan without hearing from God forgetting that the man that leaves where God has put him is sending a partnership invitation to the devil. In life, there would be challenges, but you need to stop focusing on what you are up against and start focusing on your goals and God’s ability to help you become who He created you to be. Because of the goal of salvation for man, Jesus was so focused that not even the cross could stop Him.

I have learnt that successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going around them. Do you want to be great in life? Sir/ma, please focus your time, energy, talent, resources and your all on what God has created you to do and stop gambling.

You shall succeed.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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