Thursday 4 September 2014


August 26, 2014

Fear is one of the sins that the scripture says could also take one to hell. And assuredly I tell you that fear of failure makes a born again, tongue talking believer experience hell on earth. That shall not be your experience in Jesus Name. The moment you develop a personal intimate relationship with Jesus, your divorce papers with failure just got signed. It is now left to you to do the needful to ensure that the separation if eternal.

The second thing to do is to be a good reader of the word. It takes a reader of the word of God to conquer this world of ours, because that person knows the things that have been freely given him/her and as such it becomes hard and impossible for the devil to fail the person. May I remind you that all scriptures (word of God) were given by inspiration and meant to make you perfect and furnished for all good works (2 Tim 3:16-17). Josh 1:8 says for those who read and meditate on the word of God, they are guaranteed good success, in order words they cannot fail.

Another thing is to stay where God has put you. I always tell people that a shark challenging the eagle to a flying contest is only inviting public shame. God knows why He created you which is why the scripture says, before you were formed, God knew you, so it is wise for you to stay in that knowledge of God concerning you. Someone said whatever vision God gives, He makes provision for it. It is better to succeed at one thing than to fail doing many things.

Lastly, sharpen your ax. Scripture says, study to show thyself approved. In order words, preparation precedes manifestation. Jesus prepared for 18 years which was why His earthly ministry of just three and a half years is everlasting. Know your area better than any other person, that way, you will be bold enough to come out anytime, anywhere.

Go succeed!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong

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