Tuesday 23 September 2014


                                                               September 24, 2014

In most discussions, requests, applications and all sorts, the undertone is always of, “this is what I want.” Someone said success is not measured by how much money you make but how many people you touched with your life. Steve Jobs of blessed memory is still touching the lives of millions all over the world through the Apple brands and in return they are making more money. I have discovered that one secret of getting blessed and rich faster and sustainably in life is through the act of selflessness.

Going through the journey of Jesus Christ on planet earth as recorded in the New Testament, you would realize that most times, Jesus was always asking people, “what do you want?” When He gave the two blind men in Mat 20:29-34 what they wanted (their sights), He never had to preach to them to follow Him. Verse 34 says the moment they received their sight, they followed Him. Ordinarily, when you help people get what they want, 99% of the times, they would be willing to help you get what you also desire.

When the widow in 2 Kings 17:8-15 made that meal for the prophet, scripture records it that throughout the time of famine in that land, she and her home never hungered. I am sure you know that if she had being selfish, she would eat it and die. Selflessness is an act of service unto humanity which in turn rewards you with greatness, prosperity and honor. Being selfless means you are not just going about with the mentality of me, myself and I, but your antennas are always searching for SOS signals so you could be of help.

Do you want to be great? Be selfless! Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness,” and when that is done, the windows of heaven will be opened and all your desires would be met. Remember to get, you have to first give (Luke 6:38).

Be sensitive!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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