Tuesday 3 February 2015


My experience with vegetable plant has been awesome. They grow anywhere. You don’t need to dig any well before you can have them germinate. They are typical depictions of the statement – ‘bloom where you are planted.’ So many of us are busy looking for a greener pasture, without making any effort to green the pasture of our present location, forgetting that when you bloom where you are planted, someone in the palace will require your service.

Joseph never let the fact that he was in the prison stop him from doing what he was called to do. Even right in there, he was interpreting dreams. Out of just 10 digits, see what humans have done with them. All forms of additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions all rotate round the ten digits. In order words, it is not what we have that really matters, it is what we do with what we do have.

When you start blooming where you are planted, that’s when kings will come to the brightness of your lighting. Remember Jesus never printed any handbill or poster but people came to him cos he was where God planted Him. My advice for today, “Stop running from pillar to post, stay where God has put you, that’s the only place you will excel.”

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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