Tuesday 3 February 2015

January 10, 2015 - FINANCIAL PRUDENCE

Many believers are always shy of talking about money. Some even feel sermons about financial prosperity is not a good one. Unfortunately, what most of these people fail to understand is what Hosea 4:6a says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” When you fail to know, you will always remain low. In this year, what would make a difference is how financially prudent you are versus past years, because like we all know, you cannot keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.

When you lack financial discipline, you will end up being covetous and later a thief. There are people who earn $1000 per month and are doing better than people who earn $2000. You might say, it is a function of responsibility. I say NO! It is about what you do with what you get. Naturally when our income goes up, our taste changes, and this in turn keeps us trapped in that small box of living from hand to mouth. Every wanting is a product of lack of financial prudence.

Develop a saving culture. That was what Joseph used to liberate Egypt from that seven years of famine. If you cannot save, you are not safe. You know there is this feeling of confidence you have when you have some money stored somewhere. Don’t eat everything, at least put 10% of your income aside. If you have not been doing this, it is never too late, start now. I live you with this, “The difference between financial sufficiency and financial deficiency is financial expediency.”

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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