Tuesday 3 February 2015

January 11, 2015 - NO ONE CAN MESS IT UP

Recently, since my son started walking, it has become very difficult to keep the house tidied up. One minute you are busy arranging things, the other minute, he’s busy scattering things. But with all his energy and speed, he has not been able to mess with some items because they are been hanged higher than his reach. I have a message for someone today that, it doesn’t matter what people are trying to do to you, as long as it is God’s plan, no one can mess it up.

When God decided to have His word preached against the people of Nineveh, He picked a young man by the name Jonah, but the young man was too scared of the people of the land. Same way many of us are, we are too scared of what people would say or feel, and therefore we have refused to take the steps God wants us to. Jonah ran away from God. In his little mind, he was messing the plan up, not knowing that no matter what happens, the same way rain falls and can NEVER return back to the sky, such is the plan of God – irrevocable!

I don’t care how many people have talked down on you that you are wasting your time doing that which God ordained, they can only talk, THEY CAN NEVER MESS IT UP. Hear this, the scripture says surely they shall gather. But another verse says, every tongue that rises up against you shall be condemned. So why give a hoot about what the enemy is trying to do. They couldn’t stop Jesus, so carry go, they can’t stop you!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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