Tuesday 3 February 2015

January 7, 2015 - PUSH HARDER

I might not have gone through the pain of childbirth before, but believe me, I have had times when going to the toilet was painful, but I had to push the waste out so I don’t waste away. The moment a woman who is about to deliver refuses to push, the doctors would go for artificial way of taking the delivery. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any artificial way of achieving greatness, but please if you do know, let me know.

If greatness comes cheaply, believe you me, we would all be great by now, but like you have heard times without number that, there is a price to pay. I understand things have been very tough in times past, but take it this way, if your manual gear car breaks down while driving up a hill, and you need to start pushing it, the closer you are to the top of the hill, the harder you have to push, but remember once you get to the top, you need little or no effort to push down the slope.

Push harder, you are almost there. Don’t dare give up. Don’t dare lose hope. Don’t dare faint. The hotter the fire, the popper the corn. I live you with this, “Comfortable people stay in their comfort zones, while great people are made from zones not comfortable.”

Keep pushing, you are closer to the finish line than you can imagine!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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