Tuesday 3 February 2015

January 13, 2015 - IT MIGHT NOT MAKE SENSE

When I was in the secondary school, I detested going for Chemistry classes, because it was kind of confusing for me how 2 H and 1 O would form water (H2O). I complained to my father and all he said was I didn’t have to reason it out, I just had to flow along, and that’s what I did. In the believer’s world, one of the mysteries of the kingdom that isn’t meant to make sense is faith. As a matter of fact, once it makes sense, it is no more faith.

Can you make any sense out of someone using wood to attract axe head out of the water? Can you make sense out of someone attempting to share 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes amongst 5000 people? Is there something you are trusting God for, why don’t you just take a radical step of faith today? Challenge God. Remember His word says, if you have faith as tiny as a mustard seed, mountains would move for you.

Someone needed a job and paid the tithe of his first salary even when he hadn’t gotten the job, months later, God fixed him up. A lady about forty years old picked a wedding date even when she had no fiancĂ©, took the date before God and started telling people about it, within 6 months, God fixed her up. Sir, all these testimonies might appear foolish, but listen, you will never get a different result doing it the same way.


Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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