Tuesday 3 February 2015

February 4, 2015 - I AM SOMEBODY

Whether a military officer is wearing mufti or his uniform, that doesn’t change his status. Many of us have lost our senses of identity because of our temporary challenges. Many call themselves poor because they do not have cash today. Many refer to themselves as jobless just because they do not presently have a job. It becomes so sad when because a woman hasn’t given birth, she categorizes herself as a barren.

The scripture says, you shall know the truth and the knowledge of that truth will set you free (deliver you). It then means that the deliverance that is most essential is not the one conducted in the corner of a room, but the one you conduct by yourself through the renewing of your mind, which is only possible by knowing, accepting and living the truth of the word of God.

Whatever brand of car the President of America calls his official car (say Volkswagen 1500 1980 model) doesn’t in anyway remove that title of being the President. Hear this, no matter what it is you are going through, that doesn’t change the fact that you are wonderfully and fearfully made and always on God’s agenda.

Stay lively.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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