Tuesday 3 February 2015

January 3, 2015 - TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN – 2

Time management is important because of the brevity of our lives. Our earthly sojourn is significantly shorter than we are inclined to think, and there is no doubt that the responsibilities and pressures of this world scream for our attention. The myriad of things pulling us in different directions makes it all too easy for our time to get swallowed up in mundane, lesser matters. Those endeavors which have eternal value, then, often get relegated to the back burner. In the end, we end up majoring in minor things and minoring in major things.

We are to accomplish as much as we can with the time He has given us. We should live as if each minute counts – because it really does. Indeed, Proverbs 6:10-11 reveals the Lord’s disdain for slothful behavior: “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest – and poverty will come on you like a bandit.” To live as God would have us live, it is essential we make the best possible use of our allotted time. Pastor E.A. Adeboye said, “Time is life.”

Time is a talent given us by God. How well you use yours will determine how well you will enjoy life in 2015. Invest your time wisely this year, because time well invested will definitely generate bountiful harvest for you. I tell you this, time wasted is destiny wasted.

Be frugal with your time.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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