Tuesday 3 February 2015


I don’t have to be a prophet to be able to tell that many of us are not where we want to be yet. There is still that place we want to get to. Right? The question is now about how do I get from where I am to where I am supposed to be. One weapon by which that is possible is through our imagination. Imagination is also as potent as prayer. Eph 3:20 says God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. And another scripture says that as a man thinks, so is he.

Imagination means stretching your mind to see the picture of your future. Someone said the future you cannot picture, you cannot feature in it. When you see well, you do well in life. As long as that prophet in Eze 37 kept seeing dry bones, the bones remained dried. But when Jeremiah saw almond trees in Jer 1:11-12, God said, “Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.” The formula is, Man sees, God performs.

The change you cannot see in reality is the one your mind can’t see. Take off your eyes from your ugly situation and look into the word of God because every picture you locate from the scripture certifies a colorful future.

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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