Tuesday 3 February 2015

January 19, 2015 - OVERCOMING DIFFICULTY – 3

So you have prayed, you have believed, and yet, nothing is forthcoming. Well, you would agree with me that a car with engine oil at the right level, gear oil intact, supercharged battery but with a faulty alternator is a disappointment in making. After you have prayed and believed (or still believing), then you need calmness. Sir, staying calm is a sign that you believe God will intervene. When my father is talking to the proprietor about tuition I don’t fidget no more cos I know it would be sorted.

Imagine someone calls you for help and while you are trying to sort it out, the person picks the phone and starts calling other people, how would you feel? Not needed, right? In Acts 12, when Peter was locked in prison and prayers were made for him, verse 6 says, “Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains.” There was no worry for him since God was still and always involved, no wonder an angel was immediately dispatched in verse 7 to free him.

Your fretting cannot save you. Your panicking will not do you any good, instead, it would help you develop heart attack faster than normal. Matt 6:27 says, “Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (NIV)

Calm down, God is sorting it out!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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