Monday 25 November 2013


November 23, 2013

Uncle Job woke up just like every other normal day, only that this time around, he was receiving bad news on a per second basis. While one servant was narrating the loss of the oxen and asses, another came to tell him of the loss of his flock of sheep, before that one finished talking, another came to inform him that the Chaldeans have taken away his camels, to crown it all up, the last person came to tell him that his sons and daughters were dead.

This was enough reason for Job to commit suicide. I was expecting to read the next verse as, “then Job collapsed and died,” or “and Job committed suicide.” However, I was dazed when I read Job 1:20 that, “Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped.” His wife and friends persuaded him to just curse God and die, but he had reasons to still praise God. Wow! 

My father used to share a joke with us about a man that went to the war front and his head was cut off and placed in his hands. The man smiled and said, “Thank God it’s only my head that’s cut off, at least they didn’t shoot me.”  The scripture says, in all things, give thanks, not because it is easy or convenient, but it is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Thanksgiving is one key that opens the door of abundance faster than normal. There was just five loaves of bread and two pieces fish but thanksgiving multiplied it so much it was enough to feed thousands and there were left overs. No matter what you are going through, give thanks, some are dead remember. You do not have food to eat this morning, give thanks; at least you aren’t picking scraps off waste bins to eat.

If you will thank God in your low state, He will lift you up.

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