Monday 11 November 2013


November 12, 2013

A beauty pageant was organized by king Ahasuerus to recruit a replacement for queen Vashti. Esther applied despite her qualification. She could not openly say she was Jew else she would be disqualified. On the final presentation day, Bible says in Est. 2:15 that, “And Esther obtained favor in the sight of all them that looked upon her.”

In verse 17, Bible says “And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti.” Despite Esther’s qualification, she was loved above all women because favor was involved.

I have never heard it that a queen was sacked before. Come to think of it, what did Vashti do? In a way she was right to have refused to not honor the invite to come display her beauty before the general populace, but when God plans to do something big for someone, another person’s little error becomes a big door for you to be lifted irrespective of your status, color or qualification.

By constitution, Joseph was not eligible to occupy any political office. However, because favor was involved, a slave was made overseer over Pharaoh’s house. As if that was not enough, he became so mighty that only in the throne was Pharaoh greater than him. He rose from a prisoner to a Prime Minister even in a foreign land.

Sir, greatness is not a product of your labor, but of favor. When you are favored of the Lord, rules are suspended and policies are set aside. When you are favored of the Lord, strangers would love and prefer you above everyone else.

From this moment henceforth, I decree that God’s favor will envelope you and take you to where your qualification or connection cannot take you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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