Wednesday 20 November 2013


November 20, 2013

Most people go through life whining, complaining and grumbling about everything. The children of Israel were whining masters. One moment, they were thirsty, grumbled, and God gave them water. Moments later, they were hungry, grumbled again, God gave them manna, they kept quiet. Before long, something else happened and they started whining again.

One of the reasons why a whole lot of people are on the losing side is because they are part of the whining team and as such, it becomes very hard for them to see opportunities. The disciples were with Jesus and were still complaining of no food to use in feeding the people that had come to listen to Him. Whining renders faith futile.

Stop going about complaining to people, 50% are glad you are suffering. The remaining 50% are sympathizing because they aren’t the victims. Whining is a permanent solution for a temporary problem. What you are going through is just for a while; Bible says in Psa 30:5 that, “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Stop whining and start winning.

Stop complaining about your little family background or academic qualification. Job 8:7 says, “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” Sir, can you change what has happened? No! One English adage says, “It is too late to cry when the head is off the neck.” Whiners don’t win and winners don’t whine. Winners are always optimistic about life, they look on the bright side of life every time.

The disciples complained of too many people and little food, while Jesus won that day as always because He doesn’t whine, rather, He gave thanks for the little and it became big. Stop the grumbling and always have it at the back of your mind that our job is to give thanks in ALL things.

Father, I refuse to end up a whiner but a winner in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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