November 28, 2013
I would like
us to understand that storms might come, but they won’t last for life because
Jesus came so that you might have life and have it more abundantly. That’s why
the scripture says that weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the
morning. Storms are like medicines, they have expiry dates, which is why I am
certain that for a reader of this devotional, your storm is over.
If you look
at it very well, it just seems like this is a season of storms. Whether it be
family; finances; sickness; depression; temptation and all. You are just
battling away and looking for answers and a way out. The children of Israel
went through some tough times. It was to them, like an unending stormy season,
but God had to raise Moses to deliver them to prove that storms can end.
In John 2, suddenly,
the groom and the bride, found themselves in the midst of a very terrible
storm. Wine ran out. You can imagine drinks running out just before the
beginning of a wedding reception – isn’t that a great storm the couples have
found themselves in? However, one thing I realize is that Jesus is always
present where needed just so that the storms of life would not carry His people
away. He gave them a better brand of wine so much that the governor of the
feast asked the bridegroom, “Where did you get this one?”
A wife of a
prophet in 2 Kings 4 was faced with a very traumatic storm. His husband was
dead, left her debts and now creditors have come to take away her children to
be bondmen. But God had to settle her case just so her season of storm could
end. I decree concerning someone that it doesn’t matter how terrible that storm
is, Bible says, there is nothing too hard for God to do, therefore, from this
moment henceforth, every storm ends now in Jesus Name. Amen!
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