Monday 7 January 2013


“Death and life are in the power of the tongue….”  Proverbs 28:21

The direction of our whole life is set by the tongue. WYSIWYG (What You Say Is What You Get). Our words are have creative power in them.

The human natural language has been terribly corrupted. We easily speak words of doubt, lack, difficulty, failure, pain and so on. These utterances immediately generate an uncommon negative emotion which in turn generates negative result.

To change the direction of a ship, we must take control of the rudder. To take charge of the home of a strong man, we must first bind him. To alter the course of our lives, we must take control of our tongues. When we take control of our tongues, we take charge of our lives.

James 3:5-6 says our tongue could be a fire. It could ruin people’s reputations, or it could bless lives. What you say about your future and that of others is very important.

Stop saying negative things. Start saying scriptural things. Use your tongue to shape your world. Use your tongue to say what you want to become in life. Heaven and earth came into being by spoken words.

In the book of 2Kings7:18-20. If the officer had known that his tongue would end his life that day, maybe he would have kept his doubt to himself.

Sometimes some of us jokingly say things like; “olosi” (Yoruba word for good for nothing), “were” (mad person) etc. whether we like it or not, believe it or not, those words are seeds. Consciously watch what you say. Stop cursing your wife. Don’t speak ill of your nation.

Take that decision today to always say positive things and I pray that henceforth, the grace to always speak aright will be released unto you in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @henrylonng

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