Wednesday 2 January 2013


"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind" saith the word of God". 

Transformation will not come until your mind is renewed. Physical transformation will not show forth until the transformation of the mind has taken place.

I don't know what you achieved in 2012, but lemme tell you the truth, your achievement in life is a product of your mind. The beauty of your life is a product of the beauty of your mind. 

In this new year, renew your mind. See new opportunities. Think big. Think possibilities.
"As far as your eyes can see, so will I give unto you". "As you have said in my ears, so shall I do".
These two verses of the scripture is saying, your mind shapes you.

Friend, all (as in ALL, every) things are possible to him who believes. Note that belief starts from the mind.

Mind your mind in 2013 and all things shall be made possible for you.

Happy New Year To You All. @henrylonng

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