Sunday 6 January 2013


Times are tough and many people are struggling to stay optimistic given the state of the economy, the insecurity of their jobs (if they have one), the size of their mortgage and the strain that puts on relationships at home.

Maybe you are one of them, or maybe you know someone else who is having it tough. But just because you can find lots of reasons for feeling down and becoming a bonafide pessimist doesn’t mean that you should. The fact is, optimism creates opportunity and pessimism kills it.

Expecting good things to happen will lead to taking actions that produce positive results. Expecting only more bad stuff to come your way will keep you from doing the very things that might have minimized or avoided just that!

The word “optimism” actually derives from the Latin word “optima,” meaning the best outcome or belief in the greatest good. The word "pessimism" on the other hand derives from the Latin word "pessimus"  meaning "the worst".

In the book of Numbers. Moses sent out spies into the land of Canaan. They all saw a land filled with milk and honey, but the pessimists among them (the ones that saw the glass half empty) came back to say that the inhabitants of Canaan were giants and the children of Israel like grasshoppers. Two out of the ten spies; Joshua and Caleb (who saw the cup half filled) gave a report that to say that the land was filled with milk and honey and even though the inhabitants of the land were giants, God could still give them the land.

No matter what the situation is, be hopeful. Though the tree be cut down, it shall sprout again. Though the economy is not rosy, however for you, while others are saying there is a casting down, you shall be saying there is a lifting up. Refuse to see the glass half empty. See it half full.

Refuse to look on the bad side of life, look on the bright side of life and your light shall shine more and more unto the perfect day in Jesus Name.

Super Sunday ahead.

Follow @henrylonng

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