Wednesday 23 January 2013


 Few years ago, I enrolled in the School Of Disciples of RCCG. While we were done receiving lectures on a particular Saturday, and waiting to write a test, the coordinator just announced that few of us were not going to be allowed to sit for the test unless we pay part of our tuition. Alas! Master, I am not prepared for that! That was the thought in my head.

I was confused as to what to do. I did not plan for such. Not to embarrass myself, I stepped out of the class royally like I had some huge amount stashed somewhere and I immediately asked God to send help.

Friends, as I was about stepping out of the gate of the church, I met a man I never knew from Adam.

“Are you not writing the test?” He asked.

“I am sir, but I need to quickly get cash to pay up my tuition”. I replied.

“By the time you go to the ATM machine (which ATM machine! Did I tell you there’s money in that account?) and come back, the test would have been over. Have this! (He gave me money that was good looking and sweet to behold).

That was how my tuition was paid for, had extra cash in my wallet and was linked with an helper.

Psa 46:1 says God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

No matter what you are going through, God will never leave you nor forsake you. He is your father. He made you. You are His. He can never let you down.

He knew when to give Isaac unto Abraham. He knew when to raise Lazarus from the dead. He knew when to give them wine at that wedding in Cana.

He knows what you need and when it would make sense!

I pray for you today that help will come on time and would never be scarce in your camp in Jesus Name. Amen!!!

Follow on twitter @henrylonng

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