Saturday 12 January 2013


In Mark 5:28, there was a woman who suffered greatly in the hands of many physicians, doctors, herbalists, fake prophets etc and had spent all that she had; sold all her expensive jewelries; sold her landed properties; obtained several bank loans; so she could be healed of 12 years non-stop flow of blood.

She needed the healing. She was always going about with sanitary towels. Am sure she ran out of cash to buy sanitary towels and started using ordinary napkins.

“If I only I may touch the hem of His garment, I shall be well” said the woman. She has heard about Jesus; she has seen Jesus heal; she has just witnessed Jesus raising someone’s daughter from the dead. She believed so much in the healing power of Jesus Christ.

This woman story is being read all over the world today because she did not only believe that Jesus heals, she acted on her belief. She touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and the flow dried up instantly.


Faith is an action word. It is filled with power.

When you believe God for a thing, it is like loading a gun with bullets and aiming the gun at a wild animal, the animal will not die automatically if you refuse to pull the trigger. The trigger of faith is works.

Faith without works is dead.

If you are believing God for a particular job, that’s great. But believing alone won’t get you the job, you must write the application. If you are a married woman believing God for a child, yet you don’t allow your husband touch you, maybe you will give birth to second Jesus. If you are believing God to win a medal at the next Olympics and practice is a taboo for you, don’t worry, medal is also a taboo for you.

As you act on out your faith, may it bring you great miracles in Jesus Name. Amen.

Follow on twitter @henrylonng

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