Monday 14 January 2013


“Seeing those things which be not as though they were…”. The Bible is telling us to see prosperity even if you are tagged the poorest person in your community.

The question is we supposed to deny the fact that our bank account is red? Are we to deny the fact that the head ache real bad?

Faith is not a denial syndrome element. Faith does not say your bank account isn’t red; it doesn’t say there is no headache; it does not say you are not jobless.

In 2Cor4:18, we can conclusively say that FAITH KNOWS IT EXISTS, BUT DOE NOT LOOK AT IT. Reality sees poverty, faith sees prosperity. Reality sees sickness, faith sees divine health. Reality sees death, faith sees life.

The average Christian has so properly being programmed to say what he sees. “I am ill; I am broke; I am so down; It is not easy”. The secret of greatness is to say what God says about your situation. The Bible says “it is IMPOSSIBLE for God to lie”. What that means is that if God says anything at all, that’s the truth.

If God says you shall lend unto nations and shall not borrow, that sure means you are going to be very rich. So step out and stop going about crying you are poor. You are not! You are the child of the owner of the entire universe. Can a fish in a river ever be thirsty? Wake up!

If reality does not conform to your own expectation, stop seeing it. Start seeing what you want with your eyes of faith.

For a reader of this devotional, as you take that step of faith by submitting that proposal, God Almighty will honor His word by granting you favor before every decision maker as regards thar project in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @henrylonng

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