Sunday 27 January 2013


Few years ago, my grandma instructed me to go on three days white fasting. I thought it was going to be an interesting experience but believe me; those three days were not interesting at all. All I was eating tasted sour, but out of hunger, I had to eat like that.

In Matthew 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

A woman told her husband that she had a special delicacy for him for a particular night. She said he could invite a friend or two, and this man went to invite two of his high class potential clients. The man got the shock of his life when he discovered that the woman did not put salt or any seasoning in the soup. When asked why? She said, the reason why she did not put salt was just to show the husband that he was a very important part of her life; that he was the salt in her life.

The man and his guests were all wowed.  She added salt to the soup and the food became eatable. Not only was the man happy, his guests became his clients.  

Salt makes sweet. Salt makes food eatable.

Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. This means you are very important to your community. This means you are an essential part of your family. This tells us that you are a sweetener. You are a life saver. You are a hope giver. 

Salt not used becomes useless. Without salt in a vegetable soup, it becomes detestable. Sugar cannot take the place of salt.

Your position on planet earth is still vacant. There is no other person that can do what you do the way you do it. The truth is if you as the salt of the earth refuse to make the earth sweet, you will make it a bitter place.

That’s the reason why some people end up becoming armed robbers, 419ers, prostitutes etc because they have lost their savor.

My prayer for you today is that you will not lose your savor as a sweetener on earth in Jesus Name.

Follow on twitter @henrylonng

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