Sunday 27 January 2013


 There was a story of a man that tendered his proposal for a job in an oil company alongside few other people. When the panel to review met to discuss who gets the contract, all the other people that submitted their proposals had one godfather or the other in the review committee. Only the chairman of the committee had no candidate.

The discussion got heated and each member of the committee wanted the contract for their candidates. The chairman of the committee decided to settle the matter by picking the man who had no godfather in the committee. That was how the man was made.

Psa 5:12  For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favor wilt thou compass him as with a shield.

One of the benefits of being a child of God is divine favor. It means to be treated preferentially.

Divine favor is that which can take you to anywhere God wants you to be. Joseph was destined to be a ruler. No wonder, everywhere he found himself, he enjoyed favor. Even while in the prison, favor was still with him.

The extent to which a man can go in life can be limited unless the man is a beneficiary of favor. All other virgins came for the beauty pageant, but only Esther got chosen because she was favored.

A better look at the story of Esther shows that sometimes, your academic qualification is not all that matters. Some other times, that you speak good English does not make you the best candidate for that job.

Have you ever looked at anybody and ask yourself, “how did he get in sef?”.

Achievement in life is not a product of your degree. I have heard and seen professors walking the street jobless and yet I see SSCE cert holders, living large.

Favor breaks protocol for your sake. Esther deserved to die for entering into the King’s chamber uninvited, but because she was favored of the Lord, the king had no other option but to hearken unto Esther.

I pray for you today that God will perfume you with favor that kings will not be able to resist you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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