used to know someone who told me that, he preferred buying used items to buying
new ones. When I asked why, his response was that, used items have been used by
another person and confirmed ok.
went further to say, the best of used items were clothing items and shoes. He
called them “akube”. He made me understand that there are some shirts that you
can only see the original as used. He polluted my mind. I started seeing used
items as the in-thing. I became a
marketer. I initiated few others of my friends into the “akube” buying team. I
almost took my own to the stage of buying used foods, used drinks and even used
wrong I was and we were. The day I got a gift of two new T.M. shirts was the
day my perception changed. Friends, new things are the best.
Tokunbo car could be good but a new car is far better. New Naira notes command
more respect than old ones.
the moment Joseph got out of prison, his garment was changed to a new one.
Isa 43:19 says Behold, I (God) will do a
new thing….
God, is saying that new things are the best. New things get appreciated.
Newness commands respect.
hear someone saying that we all cannot afford new things, after all fingers are
not equal. Yes, I know! Another person is saying that the Bible even says As
long as the heaven and earth remains, the poor shall not cease in the land. Super!
My question is, must you be one of them?
that word of God that says He will do a new thing for you. New thing means new
health, new jobs, new cars, new houses, new husbands, new wives, new
the power in the name of Jesus, I decree that all things concerning you be
turned new in Jesus Name. Amen!
on twitter @henrylonng
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