Monday 31 March 2014


April 1, 2014

A woman came to Jesus in Matt 15, and the disciples asked the Master to send her away. Jesus then told the woman that it is not right to give the children’s bread to dogs. This was enough reason for the woman to walk away, but she said in verse 27, “yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.” In order words, the woman was saying, “It is wrong of me to see Jesus and remain the same.”

What is wrong is wrong no matter who is doing it. Ecc 10:5 &7 says, “There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler: I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth.” It should not be so.

How can the son of a meat seller be eating bones? Does it make sense that the daughter of a fashion designer is seen in rags? Is it normal to see the child of the wealthiest man begging for bread? A friend said, “When abnormality is celebrated for too long, it becomes normal.” Hello sir/ma, in case you don’t know, the fact that something wrong is happening to unbelievers doesn’t mean it has to happen to you; you are different!

God’s greatest wish for you is to have the best. You are too blessed to be stressed. You are too favored to labor in vain. You are not to be singing the same song of defeat and failure that the unbelievers are singing. From today henceforth, understand that it is wrong to find in you what can never be found in Jesus; lack, want, failure, sin, defeat, barrenness, shame, loss, etc.

I wish you a happy and blessed new month, however, don’t forget that the year waits for no one, so keep moving, keep praying and don’t stop trusting God because it is wrong of you to end this year same way or worse than you started. YOUR STORY MUST BE DIFFERENT!  

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong  

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