Wednesday 26 March 2014


March 26, 2014

One of the secrets of success in life is consistency. Consistency is the act of delivering the same result over and over again. A champion is not a champion because he wins one battle, he is a champion because he is always winning battles. A car is not certified okay until it keeps delivering the same result come rain come shine. Consistency is dependability.

Acts 10:38 says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.” Asides the fact that God was with Jesus, one of the things that Jesus did very well while here on earth was that He was consistently doing well. There was never a day or moment that His quality of service dropped, as a matter of fact, He kept stepping up His game day by day.

Heb 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” During the era of Moses, God made the children of Israel cross the Red Sea. When Joshua took over, He made them cross over River Jordan. Sir, if the quality of the service you render is always epileptic, then that’s a pointer to what you need to fix to get to your promised land. The children of Israel suffered extreme delay because they were not consistently obedient.

No matter how good you are at what you do, if you are not consistent, followership will drop. Proficiency without consistency leads to redundancy because reliability is a product of consistency. The moment the people saw that Jesus kept healing and feeding and doing wonders day in day out, they followed Him even into the bush.

Many business owners lose clients because they are never consistent; today they are great, tomorrow they are doing badly. Don’t just be diligent, be consistent. Remember you were made in the image and likeness of God and He is a consistent God, so you can’t be anything short of that.

Keep Soaring!

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