Thursday 6 March 2014


March 7, 2014

Someone said that Rome wasn’t built in a day. One of the reasons why so many people are not living the life they have been created to live is because they are not willing to take the small steps placed before them. Many would say, “I want it big.” It is not a crime to want it big but there is no crime in starting small.

All of God’s great people in the Bible were faithful in the small things. In Matthew 25, when Jesus was talking about the parable of talents, He said the master would say to the servant that had multiplied his master’s money, “The master said, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together! (NLT)”

In Zech 4:10a, the Bible says, “For who hath despised the day of small things?” There is power in taking small steps. Small steps lead to big destinations. Maybe you are at a point where you do not know what God wants you to do, don’t worry, “Just Do Something.” Grow wherever you are planted. Climbing the ladder starts with a small step. As you keep climbing, you will be able to see much farther.

Robert Schuller said, “Winning starts with beginning.” Start somewhere. The man that’s going on a 6 hours journey knows full well that he has to start somewhere. I know greatness lies on the inside of you, but you need to activate it by starting somewhere. Many people don’t succeed because they are too afraid to even try. They do not begin due to the fear of failure.

Don’t be afraid to take small steps. Don’t wait until you have all the millions, start somewhere. Take a step today towards your goal. The endpoint seem far and unreachable only because you have not even taken the first step, once you take the first step, you are more than halfway there.

Are you ready? On your mark, set, go!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong  

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