Thursday 6 March 2014


March 8, 2014

There is a story of a king who had a very beautiful daughter. As it was in that land, to marry the king’s daughter, you must participate in a particular competition. In this particular case, the competition was for the interested men to walk across a small river that had crocodiles in it.

Suddenly, there was this young man that was seen jetting across the river over those crocodiles. The moment he got to the other side of the river, he looked back and fainted. When he was brought back to life and asked, how he was able to do that. “I was waiting to see who would be the first to go, when someone suddenly pushed me,” was the man’s response.

Every mountain has a top. Every problem has a life span. The question is who is going to give in first? Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference. No matter what the majority say, there’s always a way.  Prov 24:10 says If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.

Peter had never walked on water before, but the moment he stepped in, the water was cold, it was a strange feeling, it had never been done before, but Peter kept going, the moment he stopped moving, he started sinking. I have come to tell you that no matter where you find yourself, the most dangerous thing to do is to stop, you have to keep moving. Ron Kenoly said, “if you are going through hell, don’t stop.”

You were created to succeed. You were designed to be great. Don’t give in to fear. Keep on going. Keep on pushing. Keep on moving. What saves a man is to take a step, then another step. You are very close to the finish line to give up now. No matter your speed, you are still faster than those sitting on the couch.

See you at the top.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong  

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