Sunday 30 March 2014


March 31, 2014

In 2 Kings 1, Ahaziah fell ill and sent his messengers to go and inquire of the devil; Baalzebub whether he was going to recover from that illness or not. But the angel of the Lord asked a prophet to go block those messengers and tell them that their master was not going to recover from that illness, but would die. When the messengers went back home to tell Ahaziah what they have seen, he asked them, “describe the man that told you this?”

In verse 8, they said, “He was an hairy man, and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins.” Without having to google it, Ahaziah knew it was Elijah the Tishbite. I am sure you have heard that the way you dress is the way you would be addressed. Doctors don’t need introduction when seen in their lab coats.  Roadside mechanics don’t need introduction when in their uniform. A fully dressed military man in their gorgeous military regalia doesn’t have to tell you, “I am in the military,” even if the uniform was that of Boy’s Brigade, you would have taken him for a real military man.

Many of us dress for where we are instead of where we are going to. Listen to me, before people hear you speak, they would have seen your dress. One of my mentors went for a strictly by invitation event but forgot his IV at home, however, when he got to the venue and they saw his dressing, it was hard for the bouncers to turn him back. Sir, some jobseekers have lost great opportunities because of the way they dressed. I know of a brother who is due for marriage but still single. Honestly, if you see this brother dress, you would naturally assume he has given birth to three children.

As you go out each morning, dress for success. Dress modestly and corporately. Dress in such a way that your heavenly Father would be proud to say, “there goes my son/daughter.”

Blessed week ahead!

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