Saturday 22 March 2014


March 22, 2014

On a very sunny day, a certain taxi driver was seen filled with uncommon joy and enthusiasm. Suddenly a passenger boarded his cab and on their way, the passenger said, “What a horrible sunny day. The weather is too hot and unfriendly. I just can’t wait for rainy season to come.” The taxi driver replied immediately, “It is such a beautiful sunny day, look at the sky so bright and everyone looking radiant and colorful in their different sunshades.”

Most times in life, as humans, we tend to see more of the negative side of life than the good part. Even believers that are meant to know more fall in this same trap. We have all forgotten that the way we see things determines the way we act/react and the result we get. Rom 4:17 says that God calleth those things which be not as though they were.

In Gen 1:1, Bible says the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the faces of the earth, but God saw light despite the thick darkness which was why when He said let there be light, it surfaced. I understand that it is difficult to say we are strong when it is obvious that our bones are failing even to the marrow, but I need you to understand that as believers, our job is just to believe and see what we desire and not what we are experiencing.

At the wedding in Cana, Galilee, when Jesus told the servants to serve the water, their mindset was in alignment with the word of God which was why none of them bothered to ask if the water had turned to wine because they understood they fetched water but saw themselves serving wine.

Do you notice that Jesus never asked any man, “What is your problem?” His question was always, “What do you want?” In order words, what does your mind see? Until you see right, you will never get it right in life. I see a colorful weekend ahead of you. Enjoy!

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