Monday 17 March 2014


March 16, 2014

There is a tale of a man that died and when he got to heaven, he was asked to go to hell and also paradise to check which place he would love to spend his eternity. When he got to paradise, he saw everywhere paved with gold and houses painted in white. He could hear soft hymn-like music playing everywhere.

On the following day, he was taken to hell and there he saw everyone dressed in different colorful and gorgeous attires. With the loudness of the music and the feel of the atmosphere, he needed no one to tell him they were partying. So, the third day when asked to make his choice, he said as much as he would have loved to choose paradise, it was too quiet for him and that hell was not as bad as the preachers painted it, so he chose hell.

On arrival, he saw a different scene, men and women dressed in tattered clothes, heat everywhere, fire and brimstones falling from different corners. He was confused so he asked if it was the same place he came yesterday. The attendant at the door replied, “We were doing marketing yesterday, welcome to the real thing.”  Man is a product of his choices and for every choices made, there are different consequences.

Deut 11:26 says, “Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse.” The moment a man makes the wrong choice, he has just signed up for a life of frustration and automatically ends in the wrong place, however, the wisest choice any man can ever make is to choose to follow Christ.

The moment Simon and Andrew chose to follow Jesus, they got promoted to men fishers, on the other hand, the moment Judas chose to betray Jesus, he earned himself death. For every follower of Christ, goodness and mercy follows them around. Let your choice 100% of the time be Jesus because in Him alone is life. Have a great time in His presence today!

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