Monday 10 March 2014


March 10, 2014

There is a tale of two farmers who desperately needed rain. It was already planting season, yet no single rain had fallen. They both went to God to ask for rain. Farmer 1 started waking up very early each day to monitor the sky in expectation of rain. He had a plan to cultivate the land and plant the moment it rained.

Farmer 2 on the hand had a different approach. The moment he finished asking God for the rain, he hired laborers to cultivate the land and even went ahead to plant. On the day he finished planting, the rain came.

Honestly, God is so much interested in your wellbeing, but you have to do your part for God to do His. Peter had to throw the net before catching such number of fishes. Had he continued to complain to Jesus about how he has been toiling all night without catching anything, he would still have caught nothing. God will send the rain when He is ready. All you do is to prepare your fields to receive it.

"Prepare For Rain" is a metaphor from the movie – “Facing The Giants” that is intended to bring about an attitude of trust and faith in God. That man told the coach, “God will send the rain, but you need to prepare to receive it.” God will bless you, but you need to prepare to receive it.  That’s where faith comes in. It helps in preparing to receive one’s expectation(s).

Some of us, our actions are in opposite direction of our desires. Some of us are like a man expecting a very important phone call and then decides to switch off his cell phone. A Malay proverb says, “Prepare the umbrella before it rains.” Rain is coming. Abundance is around the corner. Relief is a few yards away. Deliverance is just some few minutes away. Breakthrough is about to happen. You are about to shine. But are you prepared?

Prepare prayerfully, mentally and physically. You are next in line for a miracle!

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