Monday 15 December 2014


December 14, 2014

When you sign up for an insurance policy, whatever the term of the policy says, you sure are covered. When my son wakes up and sees his mother beside him, it doesn’t matter what time of the day it is or what position of sleep the mother has taken, the boy goes back to sleep, with the assurance that, “Mummy is still here.” An assurance that you have someone who can rescue you no matter the circumstance removes restlessness from your life.

I find it rather a demeaning and disrespectful act to God on the part of some believers who go about asking mere men for help. I liken such to the son of an estate owner going to the gateman for monetary assistance. Well, you might say the gateman could be of help, I agree, but I am sure the monetary assistance the gateman will render will be little compared to what the boy’s father can offer. When the woman in 2 Kings 6 cried out to the king for help, the king said, “If the LORD do not help thee, whence shall I help thee? Out of the barn floor, or out of the winepress?”

No wonder the scripture says, “If the Lord does not build the house, the laborer is just wasting his or her time.” Stop running after men for help, they cannot help you, they also need help. Your best cover is God Almighty, the one who owns the silver and the gold, the one who owns every beast of the forest and the cattle upon a thousand hills, the one who closes and none opens, the one that has the storeroom of snow, the One with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning, the One that doesn’t have any form of limitation.

When you get under His cover, no harm can come near you. Stop running from prophet to prophet looking for help, fix your gaze on God Almighty and you will never be disappointed.

Remain blessed!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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